Benchmarking optimization functions in R




December 4, 2018

NOTE : Below post is valid for Package version 1.4.0 and Before.

Estimating the shape parameters by Maximizing the Log Likelihood value of Beta-Binomial Distribution.


When we need to estimate parameters from a discrete distribution or continuous distribution or a function we can use the below mentioned R functions. We will be using the technique of maximizing the Log Likelihood function or minimizing the Negative Log Likelihood function. Based on this technique we will compare these R functions because it might benefit people who are struggling which one to choose. We have 7 functions in total by my knowledge when I was writing this blog post.

Using the fitODBOD package, I will use the Alcohol Consumption data to try and model it for the Beta-Binomial Distribution, which has two shape parameters to estimate. The process is that we find values for shape parameters a and b (or \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)) which will maximize the Log Likelihood function of Beta Binomial Distribution or in our case minimize the Negative Log Likelihood function of Beta Binomial Distribution.

Above mentioned Beta-Binomial distribution’s Probability Mass Function(PMF) is denoted as

\[P_{BetaBin}(x)= {n \choose x} \frac{B(\alpha+x,n+\beta-x)}{B(\alpha,\beta)} \]

where \(n=0,1,2,...\), \(x=0,1,2,...,n\) and \(\alpha,\beta > 0\). Further \(x\) is the Binomial Random variable, a,b(or \(\alpha\), \(\beta\)) are shape parameters and \(n\) is the binomial trial value. Also B(\(\alpha\),\(\beta\)) is the Beta function. In this distribution we have to estimate the values for a and b.

Further, using the PMF we can construct the Likelihood function for \(\Omega_{BB}=(\alpha,\beta)^T\) as given below:

\[L(\Omega_{BB}|x)=\prod_{i=1}^{N} \binom{n}{x_i} \frac{B(\alpha+x_i,n+\beta-x_i)}{B(\alpha,\beta)}\]

where N is the Number of observations. Then Negative Log Likelihood function is given as

\[l(\Omega_{BB}|x)=-\sum_{i=1}^{N} log\binom{n}{x_i} + \sum_{i=1}^{N} log(B(\alpha+x_i,n+\beta-x_i)) - Nlog(B(\alpha,\beta))\]

In the package fitODBOD we have the function EstMLEBetaBin which is constructed based on the above Negative Log Likelihood function, and we will use it.

We take Log to transform the Likelihood function values, which will simplify the computation process and save time. The optimization functions we need to compare will use specific mathematical methods to find the most appropriate shape parameter values.

The functions in question are

  1. optim
  2. nlm
  3. nlminb
  4. ucminf
  5. maxLik
  6. mle
  7. mle2

Further, I will focus on the attributes of the above functions. Focusing from which package, Number of Inputs, Number of Outputs, Time to complete optimization and Analytical Methods used with the assistance in two tables. Alcohol Consumption data has two sets of frequency values but only values from week 1 will be used. Below is the the Alcohol Consumption data, where number of observations is 399 and the Binomial Random variable is a vector of values from zero to seven.

kable(Alcohol_data,"html",align=c('c','c','c')) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped"),font_size = 14,full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(0,color = "blue") %>%
  column_spec(1,color = "red")
Days week1 week2
0 47 42
1 54 47
2 43 54
3 40 40
4 40 49
5 41 40
6 39 43
7 95 84

optim Function

optim is the first function in concern. Documentation of the optim function is useful and it indicates that this function is only used on one input situations only. This means our EstMLEBetaBin function has to be modified. Reason for this is only the parameters that should be estimated need to be input values but our EstMLEBetaBin function has four parameters which are a,b,x(Binomial Random Variable) and freq(corresponding frequency values).

While using optim function first index refers to shape parameter a and second index refers to shape parameter b. Further, we have to input the observations or in our case the Binomial random variable values and their respective frequencies. I think it is inconvenient to modify the EstMLEBetaBin function, because if we want to estimate parameters for different data-sets it would become tedious. After modification we have a new function foroptim which can be used for demonstration and comparison.

Below is the code to estimation and going through the outputs. It should be noted that we have to provide initial parameter values as an input to the optim function, and it is best to provide values in the domain of shape parameter values which we want to estimate.

Here the shape parameters a and b are in the region of greater than zero but less than positive infinity (\(+\infty >a,b>0\)). So for the initial parameters of a=0.1 and b=0.2 we are finding parameters which would minimize the Negative Log Likelihood function of Beta-Binomial distribution with the Alcohol Consumption data.

# new function to facilitate optim criteria
# only one input but has two elements
  EstMLEBetaBin(x=Alcohol_data$Days, freq=Alcohol_data$week1,a=a[1],b=a[2])

# optimizing values for a,b using default mathematical method

# obtaining class of output

#length of output

# the outputs
optim_answer$par # estimated values for a, b
optim_answer$value # minimized function value 
optim_answer$counts  # see the documentation to understand
optim_answer$convergence # indicates successful completion
optim_answer$message # additional information

# fitting the Beta-Binomial distribution with estimated shape parameter  values

So the foroptim function can be used as above and parameters are estimated for \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) (or a, b) for the Alcohol Consumption data week 1. Further we have scrutinized the function as below.

  • package : stats
  • No of Inputs: 7
  • Minimum required Inputs : 2
  • Class of output : list
  • No of outputs: 5
  • No of Analytical Methods : 6
  • Default Method : Nelder-Mead

nlm Function

nlm function is also similar to optim but only one analytical method will be used, which is a Newton-type Algorithm. Here also there needs to be changes made to our EstMLEBetaBin function as previously. After making those changes we have called the new Negative Log-likelihood function of Beta-Binomial distribution as fornlm. Then we can use the nlm function and estimate a and b for the initial shape parameter values of 0.1 and 0.2 respectively. Documentation of nlm function is very useful so that we can understand how it works.

Below is the code for using nlm function appropriately and fiddling with the results.

#new function to facilitate nlm criteria
  EstMLEBetaBin(x=Alcohol_data$Days, freq=Alcohol_data$week1,a=a[1],a[2])

#optimizing values for a,b using the only analytical method

#obtaining class of output

#length of output

# the outputs
nlm_answer$estimate # estimated values for a, b
nlm_answer$minimum # minimized function value 
nlm_answer$gradient  # gradient at the estimated minimum of given funciton
nlm_answer$code # indicates successful completion
nlm_answer$iterations # number of iterations performed

# fitting the Beta-Binomial distribution with estimated shape parameter  values

Similarly for the fornlm function we have estimated values for a and b which would fit the Alcohol consumption data of week 1. Below is a point form summary of nlm function.

  • package : stats
  • No of Inputs: 12
  • Minimum required Inputs : 2
  • Class of output : list
  • No of outputs: 5
  • No of Analytical Methods : 1
  • Default Method : Newton-type Algorithm

nlminb Function

nlminb is also similar and requires the EstMLEBetaBin function to be restructured as similar to previous situations. After this task we now have a function called fornlminb. nlminb function is based on analytical method of unconstrained and box-constrained optimization using PORT routines.

After choosing initial parameter values for a and b, which are respectively 0.1 and 0.2 the estimation was done following the process below

# new function to facilitate nlminb criteria
  EstMLEBetaBin(x=Alcohol_data$Days, freq=Alcohol_data$week1,a=a[1],a[2])

# optimizing values for a,b using default analytical method
nlminb_answer<-nlminb(start=c(0.1,0.2), objective=fornlminb)

# obtaining class of output

# length of output

# the outputs
nlminb_answer$par # estimated values for a, b
nlminb_answer$objective # minimized function value 
nlminb_answer$evaluations  # see the documentation to understand
nlminb_answer$convergence # indicates successful completion
nlminb_answer$message # additional information
nlminb_answer$iterations # number of iterations performed

# fitting the Beta-Binomial distribution with estimated shape parameter values

Documentation includes the information related to the function therefore referring it will be useful. After estimating values for a and b using nlminb function these were noticed regarding the function in concern

  • package : stats
  • No of Inputs: 8
  • Minimum required Inputs : 2
  • Class of output : list
  • No of outputs: 6
  • No of Analytical Methods : 1
  • Default Method : Unconstrained and box-constrained optimization using PORT routines

ucminf Function

Package ucminf produces the ucminf function, as previously mentioned functions here also we have to change the EstMLEBetaBin function. After making the changes we will be using the forucminf function to the estimation process of shape parameters a and b.

When initial parameter values are set to a=0.1 and b=0.2 we will obtain results from ucminf function, which will minimize the Negative Log-likelihood value of Beta-Binomial distribution. Below is the code for estimation and using the results to understand the function ucminf.


# new function to facilitate ucminf criteria
  EstMLEBetaBin(x=Alcohol_data$Days,freq = Alcohol_data$week1,a=a[1],a[2])

# optimizing values for a,b using default analytical method

#obtaining class

# length of output

# the outputs
ucminf_answer$par # estimated values for a, b
ucminf_answer$value # minimized function value 
ucminf_answer$  # see the documentation understand
ucminf_answer$convergence # indicates successful completion
ucminf_answer$message # additional information

# fitting the Beta-Binomial distribution with estimated shape parameter values

With the help of R Documentation the estimation was done for shape parameter values a and b using the ucminf function. Below is the initial understanding of the ucminf function

  • package : ucminf
  • No of Inputs: 5
  • Minimum required Inputs : 2
  • Class of output : list
  • No of outputs: 6
  • No of Analytical Methods : 1
  • Default Method : Quasi-Newton Algorithm type with BFGS updating

maxLik Function

maxLik function is from the maxLik package, which only maximizes the Log Likelihood function. Therefore we have to restructure EstMLEBetaBin as previously mentioned, but as an addition a negative sign is added for the output. This new function will be called as formaxLik.

For the initial parameter values where a=0.1 and b=0.2 the maxLik function will be used and results will be evaluated as below.


# new function to facilitate maxLik criteria
  -EstMLEBetaBin(x=Alcohol_data$Days,freq = Alcohol_data$week1,a=a[1],a[2])

# optimizing values for a,b using default analytical method
maxLik_answer<-maxLik(logLik =formaxLik, start = c(0.1,0.2))

# obtaining class of output

# length of output

# the outputs
maxLik_answer$estimate # estimated values for a, b
maxLik_answer$maximum # minimized function value 
maxLik_answer$iterations  # no of iterations to succeed
maxLik_answer$gradient # last gradient value which was calculated
maxLik_answer$message # additional information
maxLik_answer$hessian # hessian matrix
maxLik_answer$code # indicates successful completion
maxLik_answer$fixed # logical vector indicating which parameters are constants
maxLik_answer$type # type of maximization
maxLik_answer$last.step # list describing the last unsuccessful step
maxLik_answer$control # see the documentation understand

# fitting the Beta-Binomial distribution with estimated shape parameter values

Using the Documentation of maxLik and the Documentation of maxNR function the above analysis was done for the maxLik function. According to the above code, below are the findings from the maxLik function in point form

  • package : maxLik
  • No of Inputs: 6
  • Minimum required Inputs : 2
  • Class of output : list or class of maxim or class of maxLik
  • No of outputs: 11
  • No of Analytical Methods : 7
  • Default Method : Automatically chosen

mle Function

stats4 package is installed so that mle function can be operated for the purpose of estimating a and b parameters. Here also as previously we need to make some changes as below and create a new Negative Log Likelihood function called formle.

For the initial parameter values of a=0.1 and b=0.2 the Negative Log Likelihood value of Beta-Binomial distribution has been minimized using mle function. Below is the code for estimation and investigation from the outputs of mle after estimation.


# new function to facilitate mle criteria
  EstMLEBetaBin(x=Alcohol_data$Days,freq = Alcohol_data$week1,a,b)

# optimizing values for a,b using default analytical method
mle_answer<-mle(minuslogl=formle,start = list(a=0.1,b=0.2))

# obtaining class

# length of output

# the outputs
mle_answer@call # inputs i have used 
mle_answer@coef # estimated values for a,b
mle_answer@fullcoef # all values, even the fixed values we did not want to estimate
mle_answer@vcov # variance covariance matrix for a,b
mle_answer@min # minimized function value
mle_answer@details # details after estimation process
mle_answer@nobs # number of observations to be used for computing only if given 
mle_answer@method # optimization methods used

# Methods used
confint(mle_answer) # confidence intervals for estimated values
logLik(mle_answer) # Negative loglikelihood value for estimated values 
profile(mle_answer) # Likelihood profile generation.
nobs(mle_answer) # number of observations to be used for computing only if given
show(mle_answer) # display object briefly
summary(mle_answer) # generate a summary
#update()   # updating if we have new data and need to estimate new values
vcov(mle_answer) # variance covariance matrix

# fitting the Beta-Binomial distribution with estimated shape parameter values

It should be noted that in all 5 previous functions we had only outputs in the form of lists, but through mle we are seeing a class of mle output.The Documention explains the inputs and outputs of mle. Documentation for mle-class explains further about the methods that can be used. Below is a list of findings based on the outputs of the mle function.

  • package : stats4
  • No of Inputs: 5
  • Minimum required Inputs : 2
  • Class of output : class of mle
  • No of outputs: 9
  • Methods for output: 8
  • No of Analytical Methods :6
  • Default Method : Nelder and Mead

mle2 Function

mle2 function is advanced than mle function and it is from the package bbmle. Here, there is no need to modify the EstMLEBetabin function from the fitODBOD package to estimation as all previous situations .

For the initial parameter values of a=0.1 and b=0.2 Negative Log Likelihood function of Beta-Binomial distribution will be minimized where outputs will be investigated and methods related to output of class mle2 will be used.

Below is the code for using mle2 function and scrutinizing the output and methods related to it.


# optimizing values for a,b using default analytical method
mle2_answer<-mle2(minuslogl= EstMLEBetaBin,start = list(a=0.1,b=0.2),
                  data = list(x=Alcohol_data$Days,freq=Alcohol_data$week1))

# obtaining class

# length of output

# the outputs
mle2_answer@call # inputs generally considered 
mle2_answer@call.orig # inputs i have given
mle2_answer@coef # estimated values for a,b
mle2_answer@fullcoef # all values, even the fixed values we did not want to estimate
mle2_answer@vcov # variance covariance matrix for a,b
mle2_answer@min # minimized function value
mle2_answer@details # details after estimation process
mle2_answer@method # optimization methods used
mle2_answer@data # data used for estimation 
mle2_answer@formula # if a formula was specified in the input 
mle2_answer@optimizer # function used for optimizing

# Methods used
coef(mle2_answer) # extrat the estimated values
confint(mle2_answer) # confidence intervals for estimated values
show(mle2_answer) # display object briefly
summary(mle2_answer) # generate a summary
#update()   #updating if we have new data and need to estimate new values
vcov(mle2_answer) # variance covariance matrix
#formula(mle2_answer) # if a formula was specified in the input 
#plot(mle2_answer) # plot the profile
logLik(mle2_answer) # Negative loglikelihood value for estimated values 
profile(mle2_answer) # profile of estimated values

# fitting the Beta-Binomial distribution with estimated shape parameter values

Documention of mle2 function and Documentation of mle2-class
provide a few findings as mentioned below in point form.

  • package : bbmle
  • No of Inputs: 22
  • Minimum required Inputs : 3
  • Class of output : class of mle2
  • No of outputs: 12
  • Methods for output: 9
  • No of Analytical Methods : 6
  • Default Method : Nelder and Mead

Summary of the seven optimization functions in R

After completing a brief fact finding of the R functions optim, nlm, nlminb, ucminf, maxLik, mle and mle2. We can record the facts and results in two tables. Using them we can choose the best suitable function for our needs of estimation from optimization.

Mostly I prefer mle2 function than others because it provides special methods to handle the mle2 outputs, and the output themselves are very thorough than other R function outputs.

It can be seen that estimated a and b shape parameter values are different only from the third decimal point in all outputs. But this does not effect the minimized Negative Log Likelihood value of Beta-Binomial distribution for our Alcohol Consumption data, which is same for all outputs.

Function optim nlm nlminb ucminf maxLik mle mle2
Package stats stats stats ucminf maxLik stats4 bbmle
No of Inputs 7 12 8 5 6 5 22
Minimum No of Inputs 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Analytical Methods 6 1 1 1 7 6 6
Output Type List List List List List class maxLik class maxim class mle class mle2
No of Outputs 5 5 6 6 11 9 12
No of Methods None None None None None 8 9
Initial value(a,b) a=0.1 b=0.2 a=0.1 b=0.2 a=0.1 b=0.2 a=0.1 b=0.2 a=0.1 b=0.2 a=0.1 b=0.2 a=0.1 b=0.2
Estimated value(a,b) a=0.7230707 b=0.5809894 a=0.7229384 b=0.5808448 a=0.7229404 b=0.5808469 a=0.7229390 b=0.5808458 a=0.7229428 b=0.5808488 a=0.7228930 b=0.5807279 a=0.7228930 b=0.5807279
Negative Log Likelihood value 813.4571 813.4571 813.4571 813.4571 813.4571 813.4571 813.4571

Summary of Time evaluation for the seven optimization R functions

Further at the beginning I have mentioned to evaluate the system process time for the seven functions. In order to do this time comparison it is possible to use the benchmark function of rbenchmark package, and below mentioned code chunk provides the output in a table form. It includes the functions and their respective time values. The estimation process of the parameters where each function has been replicated 1000 times to receive a more accurate table of time values.

The table is in ascending order according to the elapsed time values column. According to this we can see that least time takes to the nlminb function and most time is taken to the mle2 function. These times completely depends on the Negative Log Likelihood function you need to minimize, the data you provided, the number of estimators that needs to be estimated, the complexity of the function and finally your computer’s processing power.

Therefore based on the needs of your output and the function which needs estimation choose the best function out of the above seven. Because as I said related to the earlier table the estimated values are slightly different but does not make any strong influence on the results.


          "optim"={optim(par = c(0.1,0.2), fn = foroptim)},
          "nlm"={nlm(f = fornlm, p = c(0.1,0.2))},
          "nlminb"={nlminb(start = c(0.1,0.2), objective = fornlminb)},
          "ucminf"={ucminf(par = c(0.1,0.2), fn = forucminf)},
          "maxLik"={maxLik(logLik = formaxLik, start = c(0.1,0.2))},
          "mle"={mle(minuslogl = formle, start = list(a=0.1,b=0.2))},
          "mle2"={mle2(minuslogl = EstMLEBetaBin, start = list(a=0.1, b=0.2),
                       data = list(x=Alcohol_data$Days, freq=Alcohol_data$week1))},
          replications = 1000,
          columns = c("test","replications","elapsed",
          order = 'elapsed'

kable(Results2,"html",align = c('c','c','c','c','c','c')) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F,bootstrap_options = c("striped"),font_size = 10) %>%
  row_spec(0,color = "blue") %>%
  column_spec(1,color = "red")
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
3 nlminb 1000 6.11 1.000 6.01 0.03
4 ucminf 1000 7.19 1.177 7.14 0.01
2 nlm 1000 8.00 1.309 8.00 0.00
1 optim 1000 9.80 1.604 9.77 0.02
6 mle 1000 21.25 3.478 21.03 0.16
5 maxLik 1000 33.68 5.512 33.25 0.11
7 mle2 1000 34.88 5.709 34.22 0.48

Summary of Results after estimating parameters using the optimization R functions

After using the functions optim, nlm, nlminb, ucminf, maxLik, mle and mle2 to estimate the shape parameters a, b we can use the estimated parameters in the function fitBetaBin. Using this function we can find expected frequencies for each of the estimated parameters a,b and compare p-values and over-dispersion and understand if using different optimization functions had any effect on them.

According to the below table there is no significant changes between the expected frequencies, p-values or the over dispersion values. This is a clear indication that it does not matter what function we use for the optimization. Because the process will occur effectively only efficiency(time) will be affected.

BinomialRandomVariable Frequency optim nlm nlminb ucminf maxLik mle mle2
0 47 54.61 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.62 54.62
1 54 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
2 43 38.91 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9
3 40 38.54 38.54 38.54 38.54 38.54 38.54 38.54
4 40 40.07 40.07 40.07 40.07 40.07 40.07 40.07
5 41 44 44 44 44 44 43.99 43.99
6 39 53.09 53.09 53.09 53.09 53.09 53.09 53.09
7 95 87.77 87.78 87.78 87.78 87.78 87.8 87.8
Total No of Observations 399 398.99 399 399 399.01 399 399.01 399.01
p-value 0.0902 0.0901 0.0901 0.0901 0.0901 0.0903 0.0903
Over Dispersion 0.4340165 0.4340686 0.4340679 0.4340683 0.434067 0.4340992 0.4340992

Final Conclusion

We had 7 functions to compare but choosing one over the other is completely harmless to the final result of estimation as seen by our tables. The only issue is time, therefore I would recommend choose the best function based on your needs of output and research objective.